What's New in Deskdragon Change Log

27 June, 2024

  • Update push notifications to support the latest version of Firebase Cloud Messaging.

21 November, 2023

  • Added the ability to buy additional user and desk bundles.

17 October, 2023

  • Fixed an rare duplicated booking issue.

11 October, 2023

  • When viewing a booking, you can now view where others are sitting.

17 Jul, 2023

  • Fixed a bug where multi-day booking check-ins would not have the correct time zone applied.

30 May, 2023

  • Create teams, and limit the booking of certain desks to certain teams.

7 December, 2022

  • Improved the display of names of those who booked a desk: the labels are brought forward when you select that desk, and the labels are now selectable.

5 December, 2022

  • A brand new booking interface where you can change your booking times while you select your desk.
  • Improved loading times of floor plans.
  • See an overlay of who booked which desk, without needing to select each desk.
  • Repeat a new booking a certain number of days or weeks.

12 October, 2022

  • We have integrated with a new payment provider, Paddle.com.
  • Admins can prevent autofilling of your last-booked desk on a company-level.
  • We have updated to the new Google Identity Services for sign-in.

17 August, 2022

  • You can now invite users from any of your verified domains.

21 July, 2022

  • Autofill your last-booked desk when you are making a new booking.
  • Fixed a bug with Microsoft login which caused admin approval to not persist.

25 April, 2022

  • Added an option to BCC an email address in all booking emails.

11 January, 2022

  • Improved the way default times are handled when you create a booking.

28 December, 2021

  • [Beta] Added a new option to repeat a booking in the Booking Administration interface.

16 December, 2021

  • [Beta] Added a new Teams interface that allows you to group users into teams. You can now filter bookings based on teams in the Booking Administration interface.

10 October, 2021

  • On the analytics dashboard you can now view the utilization between any two dates. Previously you could only view the last 30 days.

7 October, 2021

  • We added a 12-hour clock display option for the web version of Deskdragon.
  • The 12 hour clock will automatically be set if you use the Deskdragon Android or iOS app. If you only use the web app then you can change this setting manually on your Profile page.

6 October, 2021

  • Added the option to customize the text of booking emails.
  • Fixed a bug where bookings that were not checked-in were not logged correctly for analytics.

1 October, 2021

  • Fixed a bug on the analytics dashboard. Utilization (based on the number of enabled desks per day) for multiple buildings was calculated incorrectly - this has now been fixed.

23 September, 2021

  • Added improved support for multiple domains.

22 September, 2021

  • Added optional calendar invitation attachments (".ics" files) to booking emails.
  • Added a new "Plus" plan.

15 September, 2021

  • Fixed a bug when saving a desk with an empty name.
  • Improved loading times when viewing and editing desks.

3 September, 2021

  • Added a warning for users that log in with an "onmicrosoft.com" address.
  • Performance improvements for the "Today" view.

23 July, 2021

  • New Analytics page with a daily overview, utilization the last 30 days, and a histogram of most popular hours.

7 July, 2021

  • Fixed a floor plan issue with incorrect font sizes.
  • Fixed a bug that occurred when you deleted your own account.

18 June, 2021

  • iOS version 1.8.1: Fixed a bug where the "Next up" meetings were ordered incorrectly.
  • Updated the website, and added this change log.

8 June, 2021

  • Made font sizes of textboxes editable on floor plans.
  • Fixed a floorplan editor bug where textboxes were not editable on Mozilla Firefox.
  • Fixed a bug where newly invited users would not have a time zone, and making a booking for them would fail.

3 June, 2021

  • Added support for offices across multiple time zones
  • Allow surveys to be limited to those in a certain office

28 May, 2021

  • Allow admins to completely delete users. In the past, users were prevented from logging in when an admin deleted them. This can now be enabled with a checkbox when deleting a user, and the default is false.

20 May, 2021

  • Added "amenities" to desks.

5 May, 2021

  • Fixed a bug where Microsoft 365 login would always prompt for consent. This meant that even if an admin provided consent, you would still not be allowed to log in.

3 May, 2021

  • Make it possible to tap on busy desks to see who booked it.

12 April, 2021

  • Added check-in to automatically cancel bookings if you do not check in.

6 April, 2021

  • Improve iOS push notifications and send them as "high priority".

24 March, 2021

15 March, 2021

  • When a survey is sent to only those with bookings, and someone makes a booking, a survey is now immediately sent to them.

12 March, 2021

  • Added an option to send surveys to only those with bookings on the day.
  • Added an option to pause/resume surveys.
  • Updated the User Manual

9 March, 2021

  • Added an option for admins to opt-out of receiving invoice-related emails.

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